
Senior Swimming Carnival 2021


What a fantastic day we had for our Senior Swimming Carnival!   Congratulations to Cook House once again for being the House Champions and all of our students for their amazing house spirit and willingness to get in and earn points for their house. There were a lot of laughs during the day, particularly from our House Captains who had trouble getting their boats to the end of the pool, and some highly contested Age Champion races.  Thank you to Mr Tuni and Sue Aitkin for the work behind the scenes and our teachers who willingly undertook all of the assigned roles and responsibilities to make the day possible.  Thank you also to our families and students for your support and house spirit!




Congratulations to our Age Champions: Lincoln Q, Ava E, Lachlan S, Caylee M, Kodi S, Carly Q, Eli W, Makenna C.  Congratulations to Eli who broke the records for breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly at our swimming carnival.  All were set 13 years ago.

 Also congratulations go to our seven students who were selected to represent our school at the District Swimming Carnival on Thursday: Matilda B, Makenna C, Charlie H, Maddison J, Caylee M, Carly Q, Eli W

Despite small in number, our team certainly left their mark on the competition with Caylee and Eli both coming away with age group wins in two events each and everyone in our team swimming PBs (Personal Best times) in their nominated events. We wish Caylee and Eli good luck at the Metropolitan East Carnival next Tuesday. 

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Last reviewed 25 February 2021
Last updated 25 February 2021