Last Friday we held our school ANZAC Assembly. As has become tradition at our school, selected students shared what ANZAC means to them during the assembly. Not only did these children speak with confidence but their writing was personal and encapsulated the true spirit of ANZAC Day. See below for a sample of these amazing reflections and stories.
ANZAC Student Reflections
On ANZAC day I remember the army that fought for us.
It is a very special day.
My brave grandad went to war.
He came back, he was my Mum's Dad.
Some ANZAC's didn't come back they fought for our lives.
(Roman Year 1)
ANZAC Ceremony Speech
On ANZAC Day we remember those who went to war to fight for Australia to be a free country. During the 1st world war, 2nd World War and the Vietnam War, Australia lost many young men and women. Our military personnel fought hard and encountered horrid weather and living conditions. It was during these hardships that the ANZAC spirit was born – mateship, bravery, endurance, determination and sacrifice. We also thank all Australians that are currently serving in wars and peace keeping operation overseas – past and present. ANZAC day gives us the opportunity to say thank you and acknowledge these brave men, women and their families. Indeed we are a lucky country.
(Andrea Year 6)
The Purple Poppy
ANZAC Day is a national day of remembrance. In 1915, over 8000 Australian and New Zealand soldiers died at Gallipoli whilst fighting. What happened in Gallipoli is now known as the ANZAC legend. Over 60 000 Australian men and woman where killed in WW1, so there was a need to commemorate all those who did not return.
Not only did men and women serve their country, so did millions of animals. Over 300 000 horses where sold to the British Empire for the soldiers to use during WW1.
Walers were strong, beautiful horses bred for harsh Australian conditions. They were very large, tough horses who had a long stride and could gallop very fast. The poor horses had to carry up to 118kg of rider and equipment. Of all the Australian horses sent to war, only one came back. His name was Sandy. When Sandy's master died, he was brought back to attend his funeral.
It wasn't just horses that served during the war, the soldiers used lots of different animals. They used cats to catch rodents and protect their precious food, and dogs to locate injured soldiers and bombs. Mules and donkeys where used to carry the sick or injured soldiers. Birds were used to carry messages or detect poisonous gasses. Elephants, camels, goats, monkeys and many other animals were used as pets or mascots to keep up morale and provide comfort.
Today, we wear a purple poppy as a sign of respect and gratitude to the millions of animals that served our country and gave their lives.
Lest We Forget.
(Ava Year 5)
On Sunday our School Captains commemorated ANZAC Day by attending the Dawn Service at Cleveland to lay a wreath on behalf of our school. Once again these students were fantastic ambassadors for our school and I thank their parents for enabling them to attend the service despite the very early start to the day.