Dear Parents/ Carers,
Our School Photo day is next week on Tuesday 22 and Wednesday 23 June. You should have already received your child's photo envelope. It is important that this envelope be brought to school on the day of your class photo. Please see the timetable below for your scheduled class photo time.
All children are expected to be in full school uniform including black shoes, white socks and hair accessories in the correct colour if applicable (white, teal and / or black). Year 6 students are to wear the official school uniform, not the senior shirt please.
It is an expectation of both the Department of Education and MSP Photography that any student who is unwell or experiencing flu-like symptoms, must stay at home.
Sibling Photos
Sibling Photos will take place from 8am on Tuesday 22nd June in the hall. If you are wanting a sibling photo, please ensure your children are aware of this time and venue as it will be each family's responsibility to access this opportunity. If you wish your children to have a sibling photo taken, please also ensure you collect an extra photo envelope from the school office.
Senior Choir, Senior Band and Junior Band
Senior Choir, Senior Band and Junior Band group photos will be taken before school in the hall at the times outlined below.
* Please note, parents will not be able to accompany their children into the hall for sibling, specialist group photos or other photos due to occupancy density limits and social distancing requirements. Children will be met out the front of the hall at 8am by a staff member for Sibling Photos and at their allotted time for Senior Choir, Senior Band and Junior Band photos.
School Photo Schedule
