


The P&C Association would like to welcome you to Thornlands State School.

The objectives of the P&C Association are focused on the school for which it is formed. P&Cs exist to promote the school's interests, facilitate the school's development and contribute to the school's improvement. A Parents and Citizens' Association (P&C) is a group of people who take a formal role in supporting a school by enabling and providing:

  • close cooperation between parents, community, staff and students
  • feedback on school policies and activities
  • resources to enhance student learning and improve the school environment (often by raising funds)
  • opportunities for parents to be involved in their child's education and the broader school community.

    The P&C is responsible for the uniform shop and tuckshop, as well as coordinating fundraising to help support the development of the school.

    All families associated with the school are encouraged to become involved in a variety of ways to greatly enhance the Thornlands State School community.

    P&C members are covered by an insurance scheme and should be registered so as to ensure cover by the scheme.

    If you would like to be a part of our school P&C, please download and complete our:

P&C Volunteer Form

P&C Membership Form (PDF, 152KB)

P&C Executive Officer nomination form (PDF, 198KB)​​


Meetings in 2025 are generally held on the third Wednesday of the month at 5pm in the school administration block. These meetings are held in person and steamed via teams. Below are the upcoming meeting dates and teams link:

DateTeams link
19th March 2025
Click here



The Thornlands State School P&C Association's Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 19 March 2025, commencing at 5pm. This year the AGM will be held in the office.

Please see attached copies of the following documents:

  • P&C Membership form and Code of Con​duct
  • P&C Executive Nomination Form

We encourage all parents to join our P&C – as they say, many hand make light work! Simply download the membership form, complete and return addressed to the P&C either to the school's office administration, or via email at (both scanned versions and photos of the completed form will be accepted). Printed copies will also be available from the office administration for those who are unable to print the form at home.

At the AGM all Executive positions will be declared vacant, and nominations for the 2025 Executive Committee will be tabled for election. These positions are:

  • President - provides leadership and is the accountable officer of the P&C. Their role is to act as the public representative of the P&C, encourage communication between the P&C, school, and community, and encourage participation to support the P&C. The President chairs all meetings and is educated on all P&C rules and guidelines, including P&C Constitution, Accounting Manual, and all other documents governing P&C operations. The President is the Accountable officer for all employment for Tuckshop services.
  • Vice President - provides essential support for the President and possibly other members of the Executive Committee. They will Chair those meetings from which the President is absent and carry out any duties that have been delegated by the President. They should also be familiar with all P&C rules and guidelines, including P&C Constitution and other documents governing P&C operations.
  • Treasurer - has the overall responsibility for the financial management of the P&C, including all subcommittee accounts. In their role they must comply with the Accounting Manual in all respects. They prepare an annual budget and annual operational plan for the Association in consultation with other members of the P&Cs Executive Committee. It is the Treasurer's responsibility to manage and keep accurate accounts of receipts and expenditure.
  • Secretary - has overall responsibility to prepare all documents for all meetings, such as agenda, minutes, and other necessary reports (including subcommittee reports) and assists the President in preparing an agenda for each meeting. They present minutes of the P&Cs meetings, record and deal with correspondence in/out as directed and generally organise, record, and maintain information pertaining to the activities of the P&C.​

All P&C Executives are responsible for any urgent decisions required outside of P&C meetings and are the official employers of all P&C staff. The P&C Executive Committee are also the Business Managers of the Tuckshop and Uniform Shop.

 Key membership information:

  • Being a P&C member does not mean that you must attend all meetings. We understand families have busy schedules and sometimes it is physically impossible to commit to attending. We just ask for you to volunteer when and where you can.
  • You do not need to attend a meeting to become a member of the P&C. Simply complete the membership form and either return it to the office or email a copy to
  • Parents are not required to hold a volunteer blue card in order to volunteer at their child's school. Any other family member that is not a parent is required to hold a volunteer blue card, in which the P&C are happy to assist with applications.
  • All volunteers of the school (including P&C) are required to complete the mandatory volunteer induction training as per Department of Education requirements. This is to ensure that all volunteers are covered under the P&Cs Personal Accident Insurance Policy. This training is conducted at the start of the year by the school and is also available at school administration. This takes approximately 15 minutes to complete.
  • Remember, the P&C is made up of parents.....just like you! The primary goal of the P&C is to enhance the educational opportunities for the students at our school. But along with that, it is also a great platform to –
    • Build lifelong friendships with other like-minded parents.
    • Enhance your skill set.
    • Become more informed on important school matters and policies and provide parent input.
    • Give back to our wonderful school community.
    • And most importantly, have fun!

If there any questions regarding our upcoming AGM or how to become involved with our P&C, please don't hesitate to contact us at We look forward to seeing you all at the AGM!

Last reviewed 19 March 2025
Last updated 19 March 2025