As you are aware, in June of this year,
Thornlands SS underwent a full school review as part of the 4 yearly cycle of school reviews that take place in all QLD State schools. A team of t
hree external reviewers was here for three days, and during that time spoke to an extensive range of staff, students and parents. The Review provided a great opportunity to receive objective feedback about what we are doing well as a school and suggestions for focus and development in the future. We received an extensive report (available on our school website) which provides us with this
feedback, which is an affirmation of the great work that we do here, as well as helping us to inform the development of our next 4 year
Strategic Plan (2022-2025)We are presently developing our new Strategic Plan and
welcome your feedback, particularly in relation to our school Vision and Values which underpin everything that we do. To that end we encourage you to follow the link below, to our
Vision and Values statement and to provide any
feedback you may have about that or anything else in relation to the functioning of our school
(Click to view)