Hello from our Fabulous Library!
Where did TERM 3 go?! It has been another busy but very exciting term here in our library with Book Week celebrations definitely being the highlight.
We started the week hearing lots of 'oohhs' and 'ahhhs' when the students started coming in to see our library transformed around the theme of 'Reading is Magic'. Thanks so much to all the staff that came in on the Saturday to help my ideas come to life! With an area for budding magicians; an area for the Harry Potter lovers; a fairy tale section; the magic faraway tree and a unicorn fantasy land - the library turned in to a very vibrant and magical space!
All of the students in our school were extremely lucky to participate in a workshop with some real-life authors! P-2 had an interactive session with Charlotte Barkla who really engaged the younger students and got them excited in reading and writing. The students in Yr 3 and 4 were fortunate to listen to Dave Lowe who again built excitement around literature. His books that we currently have in our library, have been snapped up for borrowing as they are very humorous and appeal to that age group. The upper school were involved in a Narrative Non-Fiction vs Information Text session which gave them strategies for researching, planning and editing their writing. Dr Sarah Pye is so passionate about wildlife and writing that the students couldn't help but be excited too! They even got to help with the research of her new book about Pangolins.

Book Week concluded with our fabulous costume day. It was so wonderful seeing everyone get involved and all the creative costumes that were made. A huge thankyou to the staff for all the support leading up to and on the day from setting up, emceeing, group costumes etc. Thanks to Mrs Underwood for organising the special song that was performed and teaching the students. Thanks to you the parents, for your support with costumes and joining us for the morning. It was also wonderful seeing students bring in family to see our library displays throughout the week.

Each year the CBCA (Children's Book Council of Australia) aims to engage the community with literature for students. They organise awards across several categories and winners are announced during Book Week. The students got a chance to vote for their favourite shortlist book before Book Week and it was interesting to see what our students chose. Our winner was 'Bowerbird Blues' by Aura Parker. Second place was 'If I was a Horse' by Sophie Blackall and the third place went to 'Timeless' by Kelly Canby. See if you can get a hold of these books as they are a wonderful read. We have a couple of copies of each in the library. In the actual CBCA competition, the winners across the various categories were 'Gymnastica Fantastica' by Briony Stewart; 'Timeless' and 'Hope is the Thing' by Erica Wagner. All are wonderful books that the students enjoyed listening to and discussing.
Even though borrowing is done in P – 3 library lessons, students can also borrow before school (from 8.30am) and during lunch breaks from Monday – Thursday. Could you please ensure your child brings their library bag to each lesson and that library books are returned on time, as we have very eager readers and lots of popular reading material.
All done for this year!
Congratulations to those students who completed the challenge and brought back the paperwork showing their reading prowess. We had 80 students across our school complete the challenge. Some of our readers went above and beyond with their reading, some students reading up to 100 books instead of the suggested 15 or 20! Those students will be recognised on parade next term for their extra efforts. A celebration will also be held next term when our school receives the special certificates.

SORA – eBooks Digital Library
Our school is all signed up to access the Queensland State Schools eBooks Digital Library. This is a wonderful resource where all students can access a huge collection of eBooks and audiobooks at home and at school. It is a great resource to use for holiday reading. Students can access eBooks and audiobooks by downloading the Sora app or visiting the Sora website https://soraapp.com then finding the school 'Education Queensland' and logging in using their unique MIS ID. If you require any more assistance with using Sora, please email library@thornlandsss.eq.edu.au
Everyone is always welcome in our library.

Cool kids read books! Have a most fabulous holiday.
Mrs Moore
Here are some reflections from students about the Book Week celebrations
Book week 2024 by Kate 5G
This year's Book Week I dressed up as Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. I chose this costume because I absolutely LOVE all the Harry Potter book and movies. They really show all the elements of magic in every single one you watch and / or read.
The library's décor was absolutely incredible. I can really see how much effort and time was put into it. The decorations screamed “Reading Is Magic" and I was obsessed with everything.
Next year I may dress up as an Oompa Loompa, because I found all the movies and books to be HILARIOUS, and they are SO, SO, SO great.
I personally loved Eija and Harriet's outfits as they were both from the same movie. (Alice In Wonderland.) I loved Harriet's costume as the Mad Hatter as she used an amazing dress and hat that really symbolised the Mad Hatter. Eija's was also great as she went as Alice, and even though it was quite simple with only a piece of fabric, a blue dress and a headband, I still think she did great while trying to capture the look of Alice.
The author, Sarah Pye, that came into our school was incredible! She really knows what she's doing when writing books, and even really helped me with my planning and writing of stories! She is one of the best authors I've ever met, because her process of writing is extraordinary!
Book Week 2024 By Eija Davies 5G
I loved this year's theme, 'Reading Is Magic' and how much effort was put into making the library a beautiful, quiet place to spend my lunch breaks.
I dressed up as Alice from, 'Alice in Wonderland. I was inspired by my friend Harriet who was going as The Mad Hatter and thought, 'Maybe I could be Alice?' I love Harriet's costume because she didn't spend hundreds of dollars in a super expensive shop.
I thought Sarah Pye, the author was absolutely amazing! She writes awesome books and gets to meet so many people like Dr Wong.
Next year I may dress up as an Oompa Loompa with Raven, Eden and Parker. My friend Chloe is being Willy Wonka.
Blake 4/5b
Book Week was fun because they decorated the library and I got to dress up. I'm also going to dress up in the same costume next year. The person who I dressed up as this year was Luffy from One Piece. The author who came our school was brilliant as he had written many interesting books like the Genius Hamster and many others that he worked hard on. 
Hi I am Abigail, on the 22nd of August it was book week and I dressed as Mary Anne from the baby sitters club.
The reason I dressed up as Mary Anne was because I dressed up with my friend group.
I liked this costume because I could match with my friends.
I liked the costume where people were the power puff girls.
Next year I might dress up as Alvin and the chipmunks because it is a group costume that I can do with my friends and it also the costumes look very cute.
I thought Sara Pye, the author was very inspiring because it gave me more knowledge on the sun bears and the pangolin. I had a very fun time at the authors visit and would like to read some of her books.