A warm welcome back to Term 3. We have been so impressed with the smooth start to the term. Thank you to all families for your support in ensuring your children are in the correct uniform, including a black jumper and shoes and arriving on time ready to learn. Don't forget to make sure all items are labelled. The lost property box is full of black jumpers without names!
Being the midpoint of the year, it is also a good time to check that your child has everything they need to learn. At this time of the year, it can be reasonable to expect that items such as pencils, erasers, sharpeners and rulers may need replacing. This ensures your child can focus on their learning rather than missing valuable teaching time whilst they search for a pencil to write with or an eraser to remove a mistake. We thank you for your support in this matter.
Senior Sports Day
Term 3 started with a 'bang', with our Senior Sports Day taking place on Tuesday and Wednesday of Week 1. We couldn't have asked for better weather for the two fun-filled, highly contested and amazing days. All of the students looked fantastic in their house colours and I know many would have gone home with very little voice after cheering on their team mates so passionately. Participation was the goal for the day and it was clear the well contested House 'Tug-O-War' was the favoured event for all students. Congratulations to Cook House who took out the carnival honours and our age champions: Harrison B, Elena F, Greyson M, Ava E, Rorke H, Matilda B, Abel H, Maddison J, Finn J, Gemma M and Makenna C.
House Points Totals:
Cook – 1276
Logan – 1266
Flinders – 1042
Oxley – 984

Good luck to all students who will represent our school at the District Carnival on the 5th and 6th August. Thank you to all staff for assisting with the running of the two days and a very big thank you to Mr Tuni and Mr Lovell for all of the time and effort they devoted to ensuring the day was so memorable.
Junior Sports Day
Junior Sports Day (Prep- Year 2) will be held Wednesday 11 August. We look forward to watching our younger athletes taking part in their sporting events. More information to come.
Time – 9:15am -1:30pm
9:15am – 11:00am - Rotational Activities
11:45 – 12:15pm - Finish off Rotation Activities
12:30 – 1:30 - Junior Sprint Races
1:30pm - Conclusion of Junior Sports Day