Thank you to all of the families who bought books through Scholastic Book Club this year, our school earns rewards for books purchased and this helps us to gain more new books for our school library.

term during library lessons Year 2 and 3 students have been working on finding
books in the non-fiction section and learning all about the Dewey Decimal

Year One students relaxing and reading books together.

Prep students created their own stick insects after reading the book 'Twig'.

the weather starts to heat up outside it has been lovely to see many students
visiting the library at lunch time to read, relax, draw and play games with

are very excited to be having our annual Scholastic Book Fair during Week 8
this term. It will be open before school from 8:30am and during both lunch
breaks from Wednesday 24 November to Monday 29 November. More information will
be sent home closer to the date.

to all the students who completed the Premier’s Reading Challenge last term.
Certificates will be handed out during the official celebration week in
November and students will be invited to a special lunchtime celebration in the