
2021 School Review


In week 7 of Term 2 (31 May and 1-2 June), Thornlands State School will undergo a full school review as part of the 4 yearly cycle of school reviews that take place in all QLD State schools. A team of three external reviewers will be here for three days, to speak to a range of staff, students and parents. The Review is a great opportunity to receive objective feedback about what we are doing well as a school and suggestions for focus and development in the future. We look forward to the feedback from this Review, as an affirmation of the great work that we do here, as well as helping us to identify our strategic direction for the next four years.  The findings of the review will be used to inform the development of our next 4 year Strategic Plan (2022-2025). 

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Last reviewed 11 May 2021
Last updated 11 May 2021