Last week certainly reminded us that winter is well and truly on the way! With the cold weather rolling in and the dark mornings, we all know it takes that little bit of extra effort and determination to get out of bed some mornings. However, the importance of being on time for school and attending regularly cannot be overstated, especially at this time of the year. Research has proven that regular attendance at school is associated with higher student achievement. With many classes in the midst of assessment preparation and the completion of assessment tasks, it is important that all students attend school every day, unless they have an acceptable reason such as being ill or participating in school-related extra curricular events like sport or music.
As the end of the term draws near and everyone starts to become tired, sticking to a clear routine may help. Routines such as a set bed time and a time to get up each morning, laying out the uniform and packing the school bag the night before, a set time for breakfast and a time frame for homework and chores may help. Speaking positively about school and the activities that are taking place and showing that you are interested in your child's day by asking questions about their activities can also help to develop a more positive mindset at this time of year. Of course, if they are ill, it is important your child does stay at home. In this instance we ask that you ensure you contact the school absence line to let us know that they are going to be away. We thank you for your support to ensure your child attends each and every day to get the most out of their schooling.

Winter Uniform
With the sudden drop in temperature, we know the students will be wanting to start wearing their jumpers again. Please remember to name your child's jumper so if they take it off during playtime, it can be returned easily. Remember, only plain black jumpers or the school tracksuit jacket are part of our uniform. The school tracksuit pants or plain black tracksuit pants or leggings can also be worn. Jumpers and the school tracksuit can be purchased through Flexischools or through the uniform shop by appointment only. Please contact the office to make an appointment.
Student Council Free Dress Day

The Student Council are holding a PJ Free Dress Day on Tuesday 15 June to raise money to develop a Yarning Circle within the school grounds.
All students are encouraged to wear appropriate PJs (pyjamas) or tracksuit for a gold coin donation.
A reminder that the PJs or Tracksuit your child wears needs to be sun safe and an appropriate style and length for school taking into consideration lunchtime play, the temperature during the day and any specialist lessons such as PE. Parents/carers will be contacted in the event of inappropriate clothing. All children must also wear closed in shoes, as this is a health and safety requirement.
School Photos

Our school photo days will take place over two days this year - Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd June (Week 10). The photo schedule will be sent home closer to the date so you are aware of which day your child's class is on.
We ask that all children are in full school uniform for this day including black shoes, white socks, and hair accessories in school colours (white, teal and/ or black) if applicable. The only accepted jewellery items include a watch and a single plain stud or sleeper in each ear). Year 6 students are to wear the official school shirt, not the senior shirt please.
Individualised photo envelopes will be distributed shortly to all students. Each envelope is printed with a 'shootkey' and barcode unique to each individual child. This 'shootkey' also enables access to the secure online ordering portal.
It is an expectation of both the Department of Education Queensland and MSP Photography that any student who is unwell or experiencing flu-like symptoms, must stay at home.
Sibling photos
Sibling photos will take place from 8:00am on Tuesday 22nd June in the hall. If you are wanting a sibling photo, please ensure your children are aware of this time and venue as it will be each family’s responsibility to access this opportunity. If you wish your children to have a sibling photo taken, please also ensure you collect an extra photo envelope from the school office.
Please note, parents will not be able to accompany their children into the hall for these photos due to occupancy density limits and social distancing requirements. Children will be met out the front of the hall at 8am by a staff member.
Separated families:
Multiple orders can be placed for the same child/ren by either:
1. Ordering online (using the student’s individual ‘shootkey’).
2. Cash in a photo envelope. Additional envelopes are available for collection from the school office. You will need the correct amount. Photographers do not carry change. Please make a note on the envelope your relationship to your child/ren so we know to keep the order separate from any other orders we may receive for your child/ren. (e.g. Dad’s order, Mum’s order).
If you have any questions about the photos and ordering, please contact MSP directly on
3848 3946.
Olympics Unleashed Comes to Thornlands State
We are very excited to announce that as part of the Olympics Unleashed program, Zac Stubblety-Cook will speak at our assembly in Week 2 of next term. The Olympics Unleashed program, presented by Optus, takes Olympians and athletes aspiring to the Tokyo Games and beyond, into Australian Schools to inspire and motivate students to be their personal best. This will be an amazing opportunity for our students to listen to Zac's journey as he heads off to the Tokyo Olympics.

Some information about Zac
As a newcomer to the Australian Dolphins swim team, Stubblety-Cook made his debut at the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games. In his first outing the emerging swimmer – at the age of 19 – competed in the heats for the Men's 200m Breaststroke. Building on his performance and experience, the Queenslander won a silver at the Pan Pacific Championships in Tokyo – marking his first international medal. His swim of 2:07.89 in the 200m breaststroke was so impressive, it now ranks as the second fastest by an Australian in a textile suit.
The multi-talented athlete is also studying biomedical science at Griffith University.
Gold Coast, Australia 2018
- Placed 5th in the Men's 200m Breaststroke (heats)
Tokyo, Japan 2018
- Won silver in the Men's 200m Breaststroke
Gwangju, South Korea 2019
- Placed 4th in the Men's 200m Breaststroke
For more information see link below: External link
Thank you for your support of our great school.
Kristy Warriner Debbie Banks
Deputy Principals