Recently, students who participate in the IMPACT Green Zone program were fortunate to experience a day as a 'Marine Biologist' as part of their course. The students were aboard the Marine Research vessel 'Inspiration', where they were able to apply their newly acquired Marine Science knowledge and use it in a real-world context. The students visited sites around Moreton Bay collecting data using the on-board specialised equipment and then they investigated and analysed their findings using microscopes and iPads. Lunch was at St Helena island which was a welcome land stop, to rest and replenish after a busy morning investigating and exploring the seas. The students had an amazing experience and were very grateful for perfect weather and conditions.

IMPACT Projects
We have received some great positive feedback from students who are currently participating in programs through the IMPACT Centre, here are some of their responses:
• Critical Thinking has helped me in so many different ways and has definitely made me think harder than I have ever before.
• I'm learning so much in Critical Thinking and on the plus side it's super fun. It's helped me on many things like how to raise arguments and how arguments work.
• Green Zone has taught me how to predict and pose a question. It has also taught me how to work scientifically as a scientist, and investigate the role of data. Also, it has taught me how to organise and present data. Green Zone has made me improve in my computer skills, I have developed confidence in science and predicting in more activities, and I have collaborated with students from our school that I don't really know.
• In Green Zone, I have learnt how to work and show data scientifically and professionally. I have definitely improved on how to present data and evidence and this has also grown my brain. I'm very appreciative.
• Green Zone is helping me learn how to do fair tests, helping me learn about different zones in Moreton bay, and helping me learn how to predict things. It is also helping me learn how to order thing in different categories. It has also helped me gain more confidence in my work.
• It makes me excited about a Monday morning. It has also helped me learn about conserving oceans and testing experiments.