ANZAC Assembly
On Friday 22 April, we held our school ANZAC Assembly. As has become tradition at our school, this is a significant occasion for our student body as it is an assembly led entirely by the students including our School Leaders combined with selected students from each year level who share what ANZAC means to them. The this was an outstanding occasion where all students spoke with confidence with personal tributes that were heartfelt and encapsulated the true spirit of ANZAC Day. Something like this does not happen by accident and is a testament to the preparation and work completed in classrooms and the reinforcement at home of the significance of ANZAC day in even our youngest of students. Thank you to all parents for supporting this important occasion.

Dawn Service
Following our ANZAC assembly, our School Captains further commemorated ANZAC Day by attending the Dawn Service at Cleveland on Monday 25 April to lay a wreath on behalf of our school. Once again these students were fantastic ambassadors for our school and I thank their parents and Mrs Fry for enabling them to attend the service despite the very early start to the day and the less than ideal weather.
2 ANZAC Day artwork
As part of our learning about the significant symbols and traditions surrounding the commemoration of ANZAC Day and following on from our sharing of ANZAC Day stories and poetry, the Year 2 classes have created these artworks using oil pastels, coloured pencil and collage.