
Curriculum Corner, May 2021



At our school we have an explicit focus on writing. Every teacher implements targeted writing lessons designed to meet the varying needs of your children. Every child from Prep to Year 6 completes a regular independent 'Big Write' with a focus on improving across four target areas: vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation. Students receive targeted feedback in the form of two stars and a wish – giving each child an individualised goal to work towards for the next 'Big Write'. At Thornlands State School we offer all of our students the best possible chance to succeed and to reach their full potential. We off MORE (Making our Results Excellent) Watch this space for some samples of very impressive writing!



Big Bang Science Workshops P-6

In the coming weeks a letter will come home with students which contains information and payment details regarding our Big Bang Science Workshops which are run for each year level early in Term 3. As well as being a fun way to kick off National Science week, these workshops target the key concepts that the students are studying in Science and provide excellent 'hands on' learning opportunities to assist our students with engaging in scientific concepts. There is a small fee per student which provides resources, presenters and a range of targeted and exciting activities. We are really excited about providing this opportunity for our students in 2021, stay tuned for more info!



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Last reviewed 25 May 2021
Last updated 25 May 2021