Last Friday, 23 April, a very moving Anzac Day ceremony for the whole school was held in our Hall. This was attended by special guests, including, Mr Graham Hargreaves (one of our grandfathers) representing the RSL, Mrs Vicki Topping (President of the Thornlands State School P&C) and Ava Bilton, Year 10 student from Cleveland District State High School, who played the Last Post and Rouse.

Credit must go to all of our teachers, for instilling in their students the true meaning and significance of our Anzac Day Observance. Each and every one of our students truly demonstrated what respect is all about throughout the ceremony. All of our students, from our very smallest Preps to our Year 6 cohort, conducted themselves impeccably and certainly demonstrated the respect and solemnity that the occasion commanded. With 791 students and 150 adults (staff and parents) in the Hall, it was truly moving that for the entire minute's silence, there was indeed absolute silence! The courage and sacrifice of Australian servicemen and women was certainly remembered and appreciated by all during our ceremony.
The choir, under the leadership of Mrs Lauren Underwood, performed a very moving song, “Our Heroes Today", which brought a tear to many eyes. The School Captains, who led the ceremony and the year level representatives, who read their moving personal accounts of what Anzac Day means to them, are also to be congratulated, as are the class representatives who laid wreaths.
Thank you also to Tom Walters for his outstanding audio visual expertise and also to Norm Robinson (schools officer) for the Hall setup.
Finally, congratulations to Kristy Warriner (Deputy Principal) for leading the overall organization. It was outstanding and an event of which the whole school community should be very proud!!
Parent feedback received via email: “ I would like to congratulate your school on the moving ANZAC Day service you provided today…..I was so impressed with the exemplary behaviour exhibited by your students. I had a real sense of the respect that has been instilled in them. I watched the students who spoke so confidently and I was reminded that those skills don't often happen naturally but are most likely the result of the excellent guidance they have received on their education journey. I am proud to say my son attends Thornlands State School. I know these events do not happen easily so I appreciate the hard work that has gone into this service."