In this lesson the Year One students are showing how we are including Indigenous Perspectives in the Curriculum. They are learning to say and write some Jandai words. They have coloured in the illustrations.

Photo 1: Year One students learning to say and write Jandai words.
There’s a Mud Crab in the Mangroves (song)
The students also learnt the words for mud crab, koala, turtle and mangroves, to be used in the song called ‘There’s a Mud Crab in the Mangroves’ created by Faith Baisden 2018. Faith Baisden also provided the music. The words were translated by Sandra Delaney and Robert McLellan.
The children had fun creating mud crabs, koalas and turtle character puppets to use as props in the song. Their teacher (Mrs Kirchner) created the mangroves. They had lots of fun trying to pronounce the Jandai words and performing the actions to the song.

These are our puppet characters for the ‘Mud Crab’ song.
There’s a dubuy (mud crab) in the gowanja (mangroves)