What you need to know
Thornlands State School prime obligation is the provision of quality education to students who live in the school’s catchment area.
Because of enrolment growth, and the capacity of our buildings, it is necessary to restrict enrolments from out of catchment to ensure in-catchment students are able to enrol in the future.
The school’s catchment map is available to be viewed at either the school’s administration office or
online External link
Parents or guardians who wish to enrol children at Thornlands State School will need to provide proof of residency by way of one of the following:
One primary source- a current lease agreement, or rates notice, or unconditional sale agreement AND
One secondary source- a utility bill (eg water, electricity, gas) showing the same address and parent/legal guardian’s name
Out-of-catchment applications for enrolment
Thornlands State School can only enrol out-of-catchment students if there is sufficient spare capacity after reserving places for students who move into the catchment during the year.
Out-of-catchment applications for enrolment will be placed on a waiting list in order of receipt, by date and time
These applications remain current only for the year in which they are applying to enrol.
The Principal is responsible for all decisions on enrolment. If the Principal forms a preliminary view that an application will not succeed, applicants will be notified in writing. Applicants may respond with a submission, no later than 7 days after receiving this preliminary letter. If a submission is received, the Principal will consider the submission and make a final decision. A final decision notice will be provided to parents as soon as practicable. There is no internal review of the Principal’s decision.
Please note: Siblings of current students and children of staff are entitled to be enrolled even though they may reside outside the catchment area
Please refer to the the DoE Enrolement Policy External link for further infromation.