
Easter Hat Parade


We are excited to announce our Prep - Yr 2 Easter Hat Parade will take place at 9.15am on Thursday 31 March 2022, on our school oval.

All children are encouraged to wear a decorated Easter hat or a sun-safe hat with Easter embellishments such as Bunny Ears for this event.  Each year level will parade their hats and then perform an Easter song. Parents/ carers, can we please request that all hat creations are of an appropriate size and are practical for performing in an outdoor setting. Due to being outdoors, we ask that all children have sunscreen applied before coming to school and bring a named water bottle on this day. 

Parents / carers are welcome to attend this fantastic event and please feel free to bring a chair or picnic blanket to sit on to enjoy this occasion. We ask that you observe social distancing requirements whilst in attendance at this event and ensure you do not attend if you are unwell or experiencing any symptoms. 

Please note, should the weather be unsuitable on the day, we will endeavour to hold the Easter Hat parade on the following day, Friday 1 April if the weather is fine. More information will be communicated if this is the case.

We are looking forward to sharing this special occasion with you!


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Last reviewed 18 March 2022
Last updated 18 March 2022